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Local Body Elections 2022

Auckland Council + Daylight Creative

The problem: The number of people standing for mayor and local council was at an all-time low, with many seats going uncontested around Tāmaki Makaurau. Hugely problematic for a diverse and truly representative council. 

The idea: The ‘Can you Candidate? You Can’ campaign was created to encourage a wider spectrum of Tāmaki Makaurau residents to stand for mayor, and their local boards and wards, speaking directly to the barriers that have hindered those from standing in previous elections. When you boil it down, there's actually only 3 simple requirements to stand for the local elections, and we simply need to reframe Aucklander's thinking around who can and should stand. 

The campaign went live across social, digital, radio and print and is the first in a two-flight project, which pivots to speak directly to voters come September 2022.


Creative team: Myself (Senior Creative / Art Director), Charlie Godinet (Creative Director) Lucy Morgan (Senior Creative / Copywriter), Bel Hawkins (Senior Creative / Copywriter), Lauren Maree Stewart (Designer). 

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